BJJ Gym Tour x Masterskya NYC

BJJ Gym Tour x Masterskya NYC

Posted by Surya Sharma on


Chronic Kombat BJJ Tournament:
We've partnered with Chronic Kombat BJJ in a video vlog tour of NYC BJJ gyms where we talk jiu-jitsu and cannabis, all leading up to Chronic Kombat 2! Chronic combat is the first Jiu Jitsu event of its kind on the East coast the fuses Jiu Jitsu with Cannabis.
After the success of their first event we went on a BJJ gym tour to some of the Jiu Jitsu academies represented in the next Chronic Kombat BJJ tournament.
Check out our episode as we visit Masterskya’s BJJ in China town and catch up with BJJ Black Belt and gym owner Alex Ecklin.
New York Jiu Jitsu Gym Tour:
New York City is a very special place of BJJ training. Aside from a variety of culture and food, this city has another special secret, some of the best Jiu Jitsu in the world.

Jiu Jitsu in New York City is one of the strongest Jiu Jitsu scenes on the planet with some huge names including Renzo Gracie, Marcelo Garcia and Matt Serra.

Some of the best BJJ academies in the world are located in NYC, where various BJJ world champions train.

Aside from the big name BJJ academies there is also a an equally strong ‘grassroots’ Jiu Jitsu training scene. Check out one of these BJJ gyms as we catch up with Alex Ecklin of Masterskya’s in our Chronic Kombat BJJ gym tour.

Masterskya Jiu Jitsu Academy
One of the NYC’s best keep BJJ secrets Masterskya Jiu Jitsu school is located in the heart of New York City's China Town.

Masterskya’s has an amazing atmosphere and culture, a Jiu Jitsu community space for students of all genders and races. Creating a BJJ training space the focuses on safety, respect and comfort is something Masterskya's head BJJ instructor and owner Alex Ecklin takes extreme pride in.

Head instructor Alex Ecklin may also be one of the most welcoming guys in BJJ and his classes are always full. His passion for BJJ has created a successful BJJ academy that has the respect of the Jiu Jitsu community in NYC.

Alex’s vision was to build a BJJ training environment enabling professionals, aspiring BJJ competitors, and anyone who is interested in Jiu Jitsu and self development to train together on the same mats and grow together.

See below for all the info about Masterskya Jiu Jitsu Academy
Classes Offered At Masterskya Jiu Jitsu Academy
  1. BJJ classes only
  2. Free intro trial class for all
  3. IInstructors At Masterskya Jiu Jitsu Academy
  4. Alex Ecklin (Head Instructor/Owner) 
  5. 264 Canal Street #2W, New York, New York 10013





#bjjlife #jiujitsu #bjj #bjjblackbelt #bjjtraining #bjjlove #jiujitsu_style


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