To Gi or to No-Gi, that is the BJJ Question!
Hey, my fellow Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts! Ever find yourself torn between the classic embrace of the Gi or the freedom of BJJ No-Gi? Do you even...
How to get a jiu jitsu sponsor!
Are you an emerging Jiu Jitsu athlete looking for sponsorship? Tired of getting your DMs ignored. Well hopefully this post can help you out.
Starting a Jiu Jitsu Brand; How we started a pandemic-proof business for the price of a sandwich and coffee!
How we started a pandemic-proof business for the price of a sandwich and coffee! I will never be great at Jiu Jitsu, I had an...
Cool BJJ Rash Guards; How to pick a quality Jiu Jitsu rash guard
The best BJJ rash guards ultimately come down to personal preference. Some practitioners prefer a compression fit for added support, while others opt for a...
BJJ Gym Tour x Masterskya NYC
Chronic Kombat BJJ Tournament: We've partnered with Chronic Kombat BJJ in a video vlog tour of NYC BJJ gyms where we talk jiu-jitsu and...
Jiu jItsu Mindset "Bitch-Ass-Ness"
Jiu Jitsu Mindset The mindset it takes to succeed in Jiu jItsu its certainly different to many other sports. In fact you could argue without...
Chasing your Jiu Jitsu Dreams
All Day I Dream About Jiu Jitsu! “Fail while daring greatly” -Theodore Roosevelt You may have read our about section and know a little...
5 Cool BJJ Gis For 2021
Our Top Pick BJJ Gis For 2021 For most people choosing a Jiu Jitsu Gi is like trying to find that perfect cup of coffee....
NoGi BJJ Gear : Essential Gear for NoGi BJJ training
NoGi BJJ Gear : Essential gear any beginner will need So you just started jiu jItsu training and thinking about NoGi BJJ. You maybe tried a...